Class Schedule – 2019

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2019 Schedule – Kings and Exile

In 2019, we are studying a lot of Old Testament – the kings of Israel and Judah, as well as the captivity and return. Basically, it’s the books of the Bible from 1 Samuel through Esther, plus a handful of classes covering an overview of Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon and Jeremiah.

Sermons 2019

One sermon a month on the lives of Elijah and Elisha (prophets during the times of the kings). All other sermons are topical (and not necessarily related to the year’s theme).

Winter-Spring 2019

Sunday morning and Wednesday evening – Kings of the united kingdom: Saul, David and Solomon. Plus a 5-class overview of Psalms and 5-class overview of Song of Solomon.

Summer 2019

Sunday Morning – Ecclesiastes

Wednesday Evening – Kings of the divided kingdom (Israel and Judah). Not every king, but one each Wednesday for 14 weeks.

Fall 2019


Sunday morning and Wednesday evening – The exile to Babylon and return to Jerusalem. Specifically we will cover the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and the first six chapters of Daniel. Plus an overview of Jeremiah.