A preview of a series of lessons coming in 2022 as we walk through the Old Testament book of Numbers. Even though Old Testament books like Numbers can seem daunting and difficult to read through, there are many New Testament passages that teach us the need to read Numbers to find relevance and needed application for our faith today. In this lesson, we overview where the events of Numbers fit in history, then outline the book itself & conclude with considering the value of studying Numbers.
One of the greatest obstacles of confessing sin is that we are often afraid of how others will react if they find out what we’ve done. In this lesson, we look at the dangers of hypocrisy in Jesus’ rebuking the Pharisees, how Jesus then taught His disciples the dangers and solutions to hypocrisy, and then we see these solutions illustrated in Zacchaeus’ fearless, open confession.
It can be challenging to truly appreciate the value of what God has given us access to through His word. In this lesson, we first see how David saw the unfathomable glory of God expressed in the heavens, then how David saw God's glory more fully expressed in His word, and finally we see how this culminates in how this changed David's innermost attitude toward God.
At the end of Ephesians, Paul concludes by urging us to be strong in the Lord, to be aware of the nature of our struggle and to put on the full armor of God. In this lesson, we study the importance of understanding the nature of our struggle, the nature of God’s strength and the nature of His armor. Part of a year-long series going through Ephesians chapters 5 and 6.
Confessing sin is uncomfortable, and it is so easy to neglect or resist doing it when it is most needed. And, in 1 John, we are told that confessing our sins is always a necessary part of a working relationship with God. But what does genuine confession look like? In this lesson, we study a contrast between how Saul confessed sin in 1 Samuel without a changed heart and how David confessed sin in Psalms with a broken and contrite heart.

The Fullness of Time

October 24, 2021
Do you ever feel lost or overwhelmed when you’re trying to navigate through your Bible or read books of the Old Testament? In this lesson, we overview 10 major events that encompass the entire timeline from Creation to the book of Acts and 10 major figures associated with those events. Then, we draw summarizing lessons we can learn when we see the big picture of God’s work as it is all centered on Jesus and His kingdom.