The good times in the Garden of Eden. Part of a weekend series in the first 4 chapters of Genesis.
Day 6 and 7 of creation: man and woman are created. Part of a weekend series in the first 4 chapters of Genesis.
Looking at the first 5 days of creation. Part of a weekend series in the first 4 chapters of Genesis.
A weekend series in the first 4 chapters of Genesis, beginning with an introduction and overview of the lessons to come.
Many treat God's word as a document that has loopholes that can be manipulated, even though most won't speak in those exact terms. But the Bible allows for no such thing. Part of a meeting series.
There should be more to what we do than simply following the commands of the Bible. We are called to understand why we do these things. Part of a meeting series.
A popular bumper sticker asks us to "Coexist," but the Bible tells us that some things cannot. Part of a meeting series.
Do our actions restrain our Lord from doing His work? Part of a meeting series.
Throughout the Bible, people have been given tall orders from God. Part of a meeting series.
Christians are called to hold up God's truth in the world. Part of a meeting series.