Much of the New Testament describes how a Christian "dies with Jesus" in a spiritual sense, but even the gospels mention the concept even before Christ died. What can we learn from these passages? Part of a series on fundamentals.
How well do you receive instruction, especially if you are told you are in sin? Are you instantly defensive and closed off? We must be open to correction in order to live godly lives. Part of a series on fundamental concepts in the Bible.
Luke was not an apostle and likely was a Gentile who was converted after the death of Jesus. Yet his zeal led him to compile the longest of the four gospels. What can we learn from Luke's approach? Part of a series on fundamental concepts in the Bible.
Chapter 1 of the gospel of John contains one of the most amazing descriptions of Jesus. It is profound and begs a close examination. Part of a series on fundamental concepts in the Bible.
What is the Bible? How is it arranged? Are there some central themes?