In this section of Galatians, we consider the applications we’re called to make to "do good," and how we can be sowing to the Spirit in ways that result in reaping good works that are appropriate with God’s goodness.
Many treat God's word as a document that has loopholes that can be manipulated, even though most won't speak in those exact terms. But the Bible allows for no such thing. Part of a meeting series.
There should be more to what we do than simply following the commands of the Bible. We are called to understand why we do these things. Part of a meeting series.
A popular bumper sticker asks us to "Coexist," but the Bible tells us that some things cannot. Part of a meeting series.
Do our actions restrain our Lord from doing His work? Part of a meeting series.
Throughout the Bible, people have been given tall orders from God. Part of a meeting series.
Christians are called to hold up God's truth in the world. Part of a meeting series.
Ultimately, the freedom we have in Christ teaches us a new way of loving the brethren. In this lesson, we consider how the practical instructions in this passage should transform the purpose of our relationships in the church. Part of a series in the book of Galatians.
What does mean to live in the Spirit? In this section, we draw lessons out of the contrast between the deeds of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. Part of a series in the book of Galatians.